What’s On My Mind

What’s on my mind?…wondering if Heaven will be the same as it is right now among “Christ followers”…wondering if we’ll be at odds because of politics, agendas, factions, and/or disagreements in doctrines…wondering if eternity has already started among believers and whether or not the Word of God is designed to bring believers into a “oneness” by not adding to it or taking away, but just submitting to it and to one another as we follow it…

Wondering when “Agape Love” will be revealed in us…wondering why we allow the world to creep in and cause divisions among us…wondering why we don’t see “one body”…wondering why the world has such a pull on the Christ follower…

Wondering why the Bible has taken a back seat as we quickly draw ourselves to a “oneness” with culture emerging ourselves under a banner called “relevant” that is just another name for “compromise”…we act like the world, think like the world, talk like the world and look like the world…there is nothing different about us anymore…no, the “peculiar” people aspect of Christianity is long gone…the lust for achievement, popularity and success are now “center stage” as we slowly gather into a oneness with the spirit of the world no longer convicted by the Bible that changes us from the worldly people we once were…

No longer do we seek the things that are above but are drawn by the chanting voices of “relevant prophets” not heading warnings the Apostle Paul told that these men would draw away disciples from the Word of God unto themselves…

A terrible deception is upon us, the same deception that was upon the “Church of Laodicea”…increased with goods with the idea they were in need of nothing but are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, naked and don’t even know it…